
How Should You Request for a Credit Card Account to be Closed?

Closing instant student credit cards will not come automatically even after paying it off like auto loans for poor credit. If you want to have a credit card closed, you would need to request for it to be closed, no matter what the reason is. It could be lost, stolen or you just don’t want to use it anymore.

You have to call the credit card company to request for the closure of the card. It is important to do this in cases where your credit card have been lost or stolen. This is why it would always be beneficial to have your credit card company’s contact number on hand all the time. Take note of the name of the person you talked to and the time & date when the phone call was made. Get a confirmation or reference number if available.

Your letter should include all pertinent information to make sure that the bank would be able to access your credit card account. Your name, address, phone number and credit card account number have to be included. There is a chance that they will not be able to open your account if one information is missing.

You also would need to input the name of the person you talked to as well as the time and date of the phone call. Tell them that you were already able to request for the cancellation of the card.

If you want to have something else done like the declaration of such closure in your credit report, you would need to tell them that because they would have no way of reading your mind.

On the other hand, if your credit card was stolen, you would need to inform them of this and if you have already requested for a new card.

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