How Do I Know What Low Voltage Transformer to Choose for My Walkway Lighting?

Installing low voltage lighting is a relatively hassle-free process, but the trickiest part of it is choosing the right low voltage transformer.  This gets even more tricky when you’re using low voltage fixtures for your walkway lighting because installing lights along your walkway tends to require you to run longer power cables and voltage drop becomes more of a concern.  Here are a few quick tips to make sure that you get the right transformer the first time.

Before you even start looking at transformers, the first thing that you have to do is figure out the wattage and number of lights that you plan on installing, so first plan out your lighting system.  Once you have these numbers add the wattage of all your lights together to get the base number of watts that you need for your transformer.  After you have this base number, you need to add at least thirty percent to it.  This will give you some buffer and will also help you to overcome the problems with voltage drop that can plague some walkway lighting systems.  Once you add the extra thirty percent to your base number you have the minimum amount of watts that you need in a transformer.

But you search doesn’t end here.  Most walkway lighting plans will call for lights on both sides of your pathway or driveway.  Because of this, you’ll need to have a transformer that can run at least  two different power cables.  Otherwise, you’ll end up having to buy two transformers.  Also make sure that the transformers that you buy are weatherproof.

After this, you simply need to make sure that you install the transformer in the right way and you’re done!  Set the timer on the lights and start enjoying your great lighting!

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