Why it Takes a Year of Work to Get Reasonable Adsense Earnings

When you start making money with Google Adsense earnings it’s quite natural to want to make as much money as possible as fast as possible.  If you  use free cloud accounting software on occasion to track money, there is nothing better than seeing those figures increasing at a rapid rate.  But the frustrating thing is that from the get-go, it’s going to take work, time and patience to see results.  But when you do…well you know it and it’s great fun.

  1. Learning how to do it

When I started off it took me 6 months to get my first pages to start producing anything.  Now I can get a page to make money in a month.  But it does take time to learn how to do that.  The best way is to join a team or group, or get some mentors.  Or both.  They will help to keep you going in the right direction.

  1. Aging domains and page

For some reason it does take a while for a page to reflect the work and links pointed to them.  There are people who suggest that it’s because Google has to get used to you and all sorts of other things.  I personally think that it’s because Google takes a while to sort through its database.  Whatever, don’t sweat it, give it time.

  1. Linking

Don’t over-do the links at first to a page, but linking will certainly help.  Google likes natural links, and you can write for other websites and send links in the direction of your pages.  Anything that looks unnatural will be penalised.  Just take it easy and slowly.

  1. Internal support linking

Something that many people forget is that you could build the size of your site and promote your pages using internal linking.  Whilst it won’t be as good as external linking, it will help to cover more related keywords, and the more you do that the bigger your site’s footprint for your main keywords.

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