The Pain Caused by Pet Loss
It is normal for people to hate death. That happens for very obvious reasons. We find it painful and very difficult to see the ones we love leave us for good. The bond that has formed between our loved ones and ourselves have already become so strong so much so that it already hurts so much to have to let go. As much as possible, we want them to stay with us. However, despite all that, death is a phenomenon which we eventually get to accept. No matter how painful it is for us. We soon realize that all of us will encounter the same experience. It is just a matter of when and how that will happen. But the bottom line is, it will happen sometime in our lives.
Relating that to other creatures in this world, even our pet animals die. They also have their own limits to their lives. When these limits are reached, that is the time where we have to say goodbye to them. Coping with the situation is not going to be easy of course. It is a process which everyone has to brave going through. This is a normal happening, especially to pet lovers. Pet owners who loved their pets so much just can’t seem to accept that their dog or cat is already gone.
Thus, pet urns for ashes are here to somehow alleviate that kind of pain. It is very frustrating to see your pets die on you and dealing with their loss, most probably, will not be an easy thing to do. But as life goes on, so must you. After all, if your pet were alive, he would not want to see you sad. It is time to take certain steps of moving forward.
Purchasing pet urns is a symbol of acknowledgment of the loss of the pet. The fact that you are purchasing a vessel which stores his ashes means that you yourself have given in to the fact that the pet is gone and thus, his remains need to stay somewhere safe and secure. The acknowledgment is not a bad thing at all. Although it hurts, it is something you need to recognize in order to move forward.
Through pet urns, the memories of your pet will stay with you for as long as you want.