Suggestions to Sellers of Antique Wicker Furniture
Antique wicker furniture dates between 1870 and 1930. 1912 is the preferred year of the antique collector because so much outdoor cabinet furniture sank with the Titanic and though it is not known whether the wicker was a design on the Titanic, it is still a romantic notion. This is the frame of mind of the antique outdoor wicker furniture collector–the romanitic ideas of that time frame.
1912 was also the year of the birthstone idea that American jewelers created. Antique furniture dealers might keep this in mind when choosing a location for their stores. This is a romantic idea that could benefit both the jeweler and the antique furniture dealer when doing window displays, especially with outdoor furniture. Both could use pieces of the other’s product to accentuate either the jewelry or the furniture. Birthstones and outdoor wicker furniture are a romantic notion few can resist.
1912 was a busy year–Arizone and New Mexico joined the Union, becoming the United States’ 47th and 48th states. 1912 was the year of parades and celebrations. This is a novel idea for marketing jewelry and antique wicker outdoor furniture. The pieces can be displayed in the form of a parade float and take the customers back to another time in history by a display of furniture from that time.
1912 was the year a spiritual leader from Persia visited the United States that is still remembered and will be remembered in 2012 as the Baha’i cultures might recreate this visit in a parade float with antique wicker outdoor furniture from that year.
Candy store will be remembered forever for the introduction of Lifesaver candies in 1912, which is also an icon from that era. An icon that can be recreated in a window display, a parade float, or advertisement to rekindle the romance and the promise of the times. Oudoor wicker furniture can help us redefine our ideals, hopes and dreams of being Americans and what it meant in 1912. The autombile was thriving, the invention of the airplane was upon us.
Remembering the year of 1912 can take us all back to a time and allow us to look forward and see our progress and reflect on how we might have avoided some of the mistakes we made with our progressive modern inventions. It will help us remember how much tougher it was to be Americans and to get things done and help us appreciate what we have now and how important it is to make improvements to ensure that our grandchildren can enjoy a future of even better times filled even better technology than we have today.