Reinforcement Techniques Used In Dog Training Schools
There are a lot of ways for dog training schools to teach dogs how to follow your every command. One method that their trainers utilize to instill discipline and obedience is through reinforcement training. This type of training often focuses on enhancing the dog’s behavior. To give you an idea as to how it works, here are the most commonly used reinforcement trainings used by today’s dog training schools.
The first method is positive reinforcement. To make this training method work, trainers often add something to the dog’s environment to bring out the desired behavior they want the dog to manifest. This could range from the animal’s favorite food, toy, or simply the owner’s attention and affection. Think of it as your dog being rewarded for a job well done.  This is the most recommended method according to the best dog training books.
The second method is negative reinforcement. Considered the opposite of positive reinforcement, this works when trainers take away an object to ensure that it manifests the behavior they want out of it. Most of the time, this could be something the dog dislikes.
The third method is positive punishment. Just like positive reinforcement, trainers add something to the training situation. The only difference is that they do this to keep the dog from exhibiting a certain behavior. This is often used when they want to stop the dog from showing a negative trait. A training dog collar may be used.
The final reinforcement method is negative punishment. Just like negative reinforcement, trainers take away something like the dog’s favorite chew toy or food from the environment to keep it from manifesting the negative attitude they want to curb.
With the help of these reinforcement methods, trainers from various dog training schools are able to instill obedience and discipline into the dogs they train. That way, they’re able to come out well-trained pets who won’t give you any problems at home or wherever they go.