Life Insurance: Necessity or Luxury?
Time is fleeting and life is uncertain. You might be having the time of your life one minute, and next you are gone. If you are single and have no dependents, then probably you are not worried. But if you have a family looking to you for support, then the whole story changes. Even when you are not around anymore, you would still want to be able to take care of them.
This is how life insurance works. Depending on the kind of policy that you prefer, you will pay a certain amount of premium, which can be whatever is suitable to your income at a given period. This amount will correspond to a certain sum that your beneficiary will be entitled to upon your death. It is like putting money away but on an installment basis and the amount of return is a lot larger than bank interests would ever be.
There are plenty of life insurance options available out there. You can have individual life coverage or if you are a couple, a joint life insurance might be your best option. This means that you will be paying one policy for you and your partner rather than separate individual life insurance for each of you. This is guaranteed savings on premium.
Shopping for life insurance is not as doing so for other kind of insurance like really cheap car insurance, for example. You need to be vigilant on the terms and conditions that come with each policy. Make sure that you understand the provisions clearly or else, you might be stuck with something that is not suitable for you.
There also other factors that you should be aware of that could affect the kind of life insurance that you purchase like your income, age and over all health condition. Most insurance companies have policies that will be suitable whatever your situation is. Just make sure you do a proper research and as much as possible, consult a professional.