
Take Your Trusted Toiletries With You in a Travel Toiletry Kit

Your toiletries are one of the most important things to take with you on vacation. Without them you couldn’t groom yourself, without having to buy all new equipment or products. I get very attached to my personal equipment so I never enjoy having to buy a new razor. That’s why i never forget to pack my toiletries in my travel toiletry bag.

New baggage regulations state that you cannot exceed 100ml in liquids, creams and gels while traveling on an airplane. This means you need to make a selection of your most essential liquid, gel and cream-based toiletries. Put those on a list along with the equipment you need to bring, and keep it safely in your leather travel wallet. This will ensure you will always bring exactly what you need.

When you buy a new travel toiletry bag, it often comes with nail clippers, little scissors and razors. These are all important things to bring with you while traveling, but you can throw them out, if you still prefer using your own. Did you knwo, you can’t share these items with anyone else though. They are only yours to be used.

I mentioned before that the TSA set a maximum amount of cream, gel and liquid that you can bring. To accomodate to this rule there are now travel toiletry bags that come with 3 travel-sized liquid containers. When you fill each one of them up, and bring no more liquids than that, you are sure you’re not breaking the rules.

One thing that should never be forgotten when you set out to travel is your medication. If you’re suffering from allergies or other illnesses, you need to make sure your medications are kept safe. Take a compartment of your toiletry bag, and store them in there.

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