Sprints Popular Cell Phone Tracker

If you are a parent, you probably understand that having a teenage driver in the family can be rather stressful.  Trying to keep up with a teenager’s busy schedule can be a full time job once they get a driver’s license.  When this happens, they’ll continually be on the go. After they get their driver’s license, it can be tough to keep them monitored like you would like to as a responsible parent.

There is a very cool cell phone tracker app from Sprint that is called the Sprint Family Locator that has some features that a few of the other free cell phone tracker applications do not have. Even though it will cost a little bit to use the Sprint Family Locator, it’s only $5.00 a month and for all you get with this service, it’s definitely worth paying for.  My favorite thing about his service is that there is a feature that enables you to automatically check the location of the other phones on your account without you having to do anything at all. This extra feature permits you to get an automated text message sent to you at a particular time of day. This feature is called “automatic location checks.” Those who choose to use this feature will be sent an automatic text message or e-mail to their cell phone or email account that reveals the exact location of the particular phone that you set the feature up for.

Different people use this feature of this cell phone tracker in different ways but let me take a minute and explain how I use it and why I think it’s a good feature. My job requires me to work on school days and I don’t usually get off in time to pick my kids up from school so they have to walk to their day care provider after school each day. We’re not happy with the situation but it’s the best we can do right now. These text messages are pretty comforting to me since they let me know that my children made it to daycare safely every single day without me having to take any time out of my busy work duties.  I only have to pay $5.00 a month for this feature and the peace of mind that it provides me is certainly worth it in my opinion.  Personally, I would pay much more for this feature.

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