Earn Money on a Sunday
How do you pay your mortgage and loan repayments if you are unemployed and your only income is unemployment benefit? The short answer is that you don’t. The longer answer is that you have to increase your income or reduce your debts.
Banks acknowledge that they have to be more flexible about loan repayments if you have no job. They will usually stretch the loan over a longer period in order to reduce your payments. Even though they have been bailed out by the taxpayer after trashing the world’s economy, they still have legal obligations to recover monies owed to them.
If you are having problems meeting your loan repayments you must talk to your lender immediately.
How do you increase your income if you are unemployed? You are allowed to work on a Sunday in Ireland, even if you are drawing Jobseekers’ Benefit. This means that you have twenty four hours every Sunday that you can earn money. There are no jobs to be had in the real world economy in Ireland, certainly not within travelling distance of Glanmire, where I live. You will have to do what I am doing, work online.
There are 100 ways to make extra money on the Internet, most are free. Leave your wallet with someone else while you are browsing. Forget anything you have to pay for. Paid for programs have their uses, but not at the start of your Internet earnings plan. I have spent thousands of euro on Internet scams, ever hopeful that the next one would work for me. None of them work, ever, for anybody.
The 100 free ways to make money all involve work and all are long-term projects. You need to have more than one iron in the fire to have a good chance of success. Start with writing articles, selling artwork and setting up a few websites, all are much easier than you think.