Tips To Bear In Mind Before Buying A Futon Mattress
When you decide to buy a futon mattress, you will be making a really good and economical decision in your life because of the huge amount of advantage that you can get from this type of mattress. However, you should not be too complacent about picking the futon mattress that you’re going to take to the cash register and pay for. This is because, like any other type of furniture piece that’s being sold in the market right now, futon mattresses also come in a variety in terms of material, size, price, design, color, and comfort level so you need to determine the requirements that you would like to have on your futon mattress.
To give you a short introduction in case you don’t have a full grasp of the details of a futon mattress yet, this type of bed is basically one that functions in two ways namely as a bed and as a sofa. The latter type of function has been provided for the purpose of saving floor space inside small bedrooms. Since futon mattresses can be configured to function as a sofa or couch, you can cut down almost half of the space that they occupy as beds if you adjust them into a sofa. With this function, you can readily have the space that they occupy and use it for whatever type of purpose you may think of during the day.
There are basically major types of futon mattresses namely one that comes with a bi fold frame and one that is built with a tri fold futon frame. Bi fold futon mattresses are ones that are designed to be simply folded once at the middle so that it can be changed into a couch during the day. A tri fold futon mattress on the other hand is one that folds it mattress once using the width of the mattress as the area for the couch.
After you consider which type of futon frame you’re going to use, the next thing you need to decide on is the thickness of the mattress. It is highly recommended that you choose a futon bed that is at least 6 inches thick because a model that’s thinner than this will surely compromise the level of comfort that you get and will most likely develop bare spots and lumps even with short use. Remember that, the thicker a futon mattress is, the more comfortable it’s going to be.
If you plan on using a futon bed for your kids’ bedroom as well, a futon bunk bed will be a good choice for you to pick.