Why Are Roof Vents Important?
Proper ventilation in your home is an important part of a clean healthy home. Vents that are installed in your roof will help prevent moisture from accumulating in your home, which can lead to mildew growth. Mildews and mold can be potentially dangerous to your health. Certain types of ventilation, if properly installed, can also reduce cooling costs of your home. These facts, as well as others, make proper roof ventilation both economically and environmentally friendly. Salt Lake roof specialists suggest having your ventilation system inspected if you suspect it is not working to its full potential.
A home ventilation system consists of two parts installed during the roof building process. First, exhaust vents will be installed. Exhaust vents promote dirty and stale air being pulled out of your home. This can reduce the spread of bacteria, by filtering it out. Exhaust vents can also reduce foul odours in the home, if they are in good working order. After the exhaust vents are in place, intake vents will be installed. Intake vents pull air from outside, and then filter it before dispersing it throughout your home. This provides your home with clean fresh air. These two vents working together can keep your home cooler in the warmer months and help reduce common cooling costs.
Although there are many types of roofing vents available, there are two that are commonly used. Both turbine and dormer are used on most American homes, and provide essentially the same functions. The main noticeable difference would be in appearance. It is up to your which style would better suit your home. If you are unsure which style or perhaps which ventilation system is right for you, various Salt Lake roofers recommend contacting a professional to answer all your questions. Having all the information before installing or upgrading your ventilation system is important for both you and your home.