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When to use Dog Exercise Pens

Most people buy a dog fully aware that it will need lots of long walks and exercise and with every intention of taking him out for lots of long and enjoyable trips into the countryside.  However, for many the reality of long working hours and family commitments means that they can’t take their beloved canine friend for all the walks that they would like and that he spends rather too long in his dog kennel.

If you find that your dog has started to whine and bark at every sound that he hears outside the house and seems anxious every time you put on your shoes then it may be that he is suffering separation anxiety because he spends too much time with nothing much to do.  This is a sign that you might need to look into buying him one of the many dog exercise pens that are available on the market today.  Another sign that it is time to use a pen is if your dog starts to destroy things when you are out by chewing on furniture or other household items.  This is a sure sign of a dog who is bored and is trying to entertain himself.

Exercise pens for dogs are perfect for letting your dog expend some of that pent up energy in an environment where he can’t cause any damage and also can’t escape the garden and get hurt.   If you put a wide variety of toys in the pen then he will be able to entertain himself for hours.  Have some toys that he can sit and chew, exercising his jaws and some that he can run around with, like balls.

If you buy a puppy exercise pen when you first get your new dog then it won’t take much effort to get him trained into spending time in there.

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