Urban self defense

The cities have become dangerous places. And most regions in this world won’t allow you to carry a gun, some won’t even allow you to own a gun. If you have a carry permit and a gun, you’re covered. Go grab a beer and let the rest of us look for alternative solutions.

Pepper spray

One efficient solution is to carry a quality pepper spray. The strongest and most expensive you can fnd. You don’t  want some cheap spray that will fail you when your life or your safety depends on it. A pepper spray also works on stray dogs, spray them in the nose/mouth area and they will walk away. The main disadvantages to the pepper spray is the problem with acquiring a decent quality product. There are some pepper sprays that don’t work that are sold on the market, those can be more dangerous than not carrying anything at all for self defense, as it will aggravate the attack.

Tactical knife

A good folding knife is a good tool for self defense. Most people fail to realize just how dangerous a  knife can be. It can inflict some serious damage, even more than a gun in the hands of a skilled person. Look for a knife with good reach and a fast deployment. These are the two most important aspects for a knife fighting situation. Fast deployment is essential and should be considered when making a purchase, or you could take a look at some fixed blade knives. Disadvantages: the law is restrictive in most areas, you need to check the laws that apply in your city before you start carrying a knife around. There is also the problem of using superior force compared to your attacker, if he attacks you with a rock and you kill him with a knife, you could get in jail. So check those laws too and make sure you don’t in trouble. Follow this link for reviews of the best folding tactical knives.

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