The Versatile Lanyards
Lanyards had been utilized for centuries before they sky rocketed as a top fashion accessory today. Always used to carry IDs and name badges, wearing a lanyard has always been part of a job to abide by company policies. Now, lanyards are not only used for that function but are now being used for several other purposes. Because of the strong materials used for it like nylon and polyester, lanyards are now used to hold electronic devices like cell phones, music players, digital cameras, video cameras and other compact and carry on devices.
Putting lanyards on these electronic devices gives the owner a peace of mind and security that they are intact as these lanyards are usually worn around the neck or by the wrist. There are also some lanyards that can be attached to belt buckles or jean pockets to further decrease the chances of losing it. It’s also perfect for holding eye or reading glasses and more commonly, keys. It will definitely be very useful to someone who keeps on losing stuff like their phones and keys as the lanyards keep them in a secure place.
Compared to when only black was the available color for lanyards, modern ones have different styles and bright colors. In addition to that, lanyards can now be custom made to suit any request. They are now used as ways of expression and personality based on these styles. Several designs are also available can be viewed. Both pre-designed and custom made lanyards are available on stores and online. Customers with bulk orders usually go online to get more lanyards at a cheaper price. These include sports teams, small and big companies, schools and others. With getting bulk orders, they are assured that the lanyards will be uniform among everyone in the group. They can also be designed with brooches and pin badges to encourage uniqueness among the uniformity. They are versatile, stylish and definitely useful; lanyards are here to stay and will just continue to be better.