The Truth About The Make Money Online Niche

When it comes to making money online, no one’s ever really sure what to do at first. Luckily, there are a whole bunch of blogs and websites ready to show you exactly how to make money online. Not only do they show you how to build a list (mailing lists are one of the things that can make you a lot of money online) and how to get readers to your sites, but they also often show off how much money they make online as a form of motivation for every one else.

This has become a bit of a problem however. People often see these figures and figure that the make money online niche (MMO) is the best one to be in. After all, this person is making so much money every month, why do copy that exact idea and make the same? The problem however lies here: This niche is seriously over saturated! Not only are there thousands of other similar bloggers, but they all talk the same recycled fluff! How is it helping any one by talking about the same thing as every one else?

So how do you stand out in the MMO niche? In my opinion the number one way you can do that is by actually making a lot of money online! Yep, this may sound obvious to some, but if you don’t earn a few grand a month then don’t even think about setting up a website telling other people how to make money from the internet. Why would the blind want to learn from the blind? It really doesn’t make sense.

Even if you do make money online, just remember that Google sees it as a over saturated market, so ranking in the search engines for any of those type of terms will take a seriously long time. My advice? Blog about something else.

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