The Benefits of Getting a Lux Products TX9000TS Touchscreen 7 Day Programmable Thermostat
The best price for the Lux Products TX9000TS Touchscreen 7 Day Programmable Thermostat is under $70. This great price can be found online. If you are looking for a high performance programmable thermostat that is going to make you big savings on your heating and cooling bills and going to make you more comfortable in your home then this machine could be exactly what you are looking for.
Lux Products have been making thermostats and other precision instruments for over 100 years. Their thermostats come recommended by consumer groups, reviewers on Amazon and are approved by Energy Star. The Lux Products TX9000TS has all the functions of a more expensive thermostat.
Firstly, it is a 7 day programmable thermostat which means it allows you a program for each day of the week. And within each 24 hour period you can set up 4 time periods – morning, afternoon, evening and night. This level of programming sophistication makes sure you never waste any money heating or cooling an empty house. It also allows you to take advantage of cheap off-peak electricity.
The Lux Products TX9000TS can be installed onto single stage heating and cooling, heat pumps, hot water, central air and gas fireplaces. Once installed it has a big backlit display that uses touchscreen programming. It doesn’t take you long to put in all your temperature requirements for the week.
Also because the Lux Products TX9000TS has smart recovery it learns how to pre-heat and pre-cool a room so the temperature is exactly right at the start of a period. This saves you money because you no longer have to guess when to set the start time for a period.
Furthermore there is swing control on the Lux TX9000TS up to 2.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Swing control stops the HVAC short cycling and is a very useful function to have.
Lastly this programmable thermostat has temporary hold, vacation mode, battery warning and filter change warning. It can display the temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit and the time likewise in 12 or 24 hour systems.
As you can see this thermostat has everything you could want. And what’s more if used correctly can help you reduce your heating and cooling bills by over 30%.