The 4 Seasons Wine Club is Great

A few years ago my wife, son and I took a trip to Cape Town in South Africa. My wife had been going on about it for a while because her cousin and his family stayed out there and she wanted to visit them. On the holiday we did a lot of site seeing but the most memorable part was the vineyard tour. Ronald, my wife’s cousin, and I saw some lovely scenery and the wine cellars were everything I expected.

The largest vineyard tour I had ever taken was through the grape section of the supermarket to the wine department, paying for it and heading home. To go through a tour like this was great. Most of the vineyards had huge gates with long winding drives to the wine cellar. When we got there we would be served an assortment of cheese with some very fine wine.

The vineyards introduced me to something that I think is one of the best things in the world – FREE WINE! I thought when we were told it was free we would only get a small taster but oh no, there were large decanters available to us each and every time.

I had never been presented with such a large selection of wine before and was thoroughly depressed about the fact I couldn’t stay on the tour for longer. I really needed to find somewhere that I could get access to a similar range.

Local wine suppliers don’t have what I need with regards to range. Of course I can get a few bottles for not a lot of money but occasionally I want something a bit special. The 4 seasons wine club is one such place that offers a huge range of wine that can suit whatever mood I am in.

The 4 Seasons Wine club send its members a newsletter every three months and it contains tasting notes from the lucky wine team who tour the world in search for the finest wine. You really should join them because not only do you get some excellent offers but you aren’t obliged to buy anything either.

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