Storage Using Clear Plastic Organizer Boxes
If at any time in your life you start to feel overwhelmed by your things, it is important that you get control of that stuff right away. Small piles of clutter lying on the kitchen table or on top of your clothes dresser will simply hinder your day and make the things you need impossible to find.
In order to take care of this clutter and get your home organized, you should get a few clear plastic organizer boxes. Purchase enough that you can sort and store away the things that you have lying around. You want your items sorted out by the type of item it, not just randomly thrown in a box. This is important, because if you are organizing you still want to be able to find the stuff once you’re done.
After you have everything sorted, cleaned, put in their box, and labeled, stick the boxes up on some shelves that aren’t in your high traffic areas or your home. A closet or utility room works great for this kind of storage.
The nice thing about these plastic boxes is that it is going to really help keep your items clean and safe. Lying on your dresser, there was a good chance of them getting knocked off onto the floor and possibly broken. Not only that, but they would eventually gather dust (if they hadn’t already).
You may find the need to go through those boxes once every year or so. There will eventually be items in there that you no longer want or need. Not only that, but by then you will most likely have a bunch more stuff built up that needs to be stored. Don’t just keep adding to storage! Make sure you get some of that stuff out of there from time to time. You can’t keep everything that crosses your hands in your lifetime.