Save Money On Car Insurance
It is so hard to pay for a car these days. There are just so many different things that cost so much money.
Think about it. If you have a car you have to pay for:
– Gas. This gets more expensive every year, and has doubled in price over the last few years. With all the wars in the middle East, and mixed relations with oil producing countries such as Venezuela, Iran and Russia, this will only get more expensive.
– Tax. Depending on which country you live in, you will pay varying rates on the tax for your car or road tax. Maybe the cost is hidden in other things like the tax you pay on fuel. But in any case, by being a car driver you are resigned to the fact that you have to pay extra tax compared to people who don’t drive.
– Repairs and maintenance. These can be pricy things to deal with, especially if you have an older car which has started to become unreliable and worn out, and also if you are unfortunate enough to have any kind of an accident and have to get your car repaired.
– Insurance. This is perhaps the most frustrating of all the costs you have to bear as a car driver. After all, you are a safe driver, you don’t break the law, you park in a safe area, you don’t drink and drive, you never have accidents… why do you have to waste so much money on insurance?
Two useful types of insurance are short term car insurance cover, for those who don’t need insurance for more than a few days or weeks, and also cheap young driver car insurance which is available if you are smart enough to drive a safe, slower car which is les likely to be involved in a serious accident.