Golden Rules of Website Design

Rules that Rules the Design of Website is that Planning ahead what you want to achieve should be the first step when creating a Web site. Write down plans so that you remember them as you go through the design process. Planning help you target specific site visitor and their needs.

Every website such as news website, personal website and business website have different model of look and feel on them. The most important and the very basic rule in web design is that the web site should be user friendly, easy to read and easy to navigate. Your website has to provide information that is useful for your site visitors.Remember to choose your text and background
colors very carefully.
Follow the general rule of Keeping the alignment of your main text to the left. You want your visitors to be comfortable with what they are reading and most text is left aligned.

All of your hyperlinks should be clear to your visitors such as general blue text colored. Graphic images, should be clearly labelled and easy to read. Site visitors should be able to find what they are looking for in your site easily. If it is difficult they are very likely to leave your website .

Make sure you provide help if any site visitor ask for it. Respond to any queries or issues as soon as you can. It is very good idea to give contact information such as telephone numbers, fax numbers, and email address. by providing such information you are also creating a sense of security for your site visitors. They can contact you as their preference.

Another one of the golden rule is Your web site should be quick to download. when starting up it is best to keep your download time as short as possible.

If you maintain above guide lines you are well ahead in the league.

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