Pink Laptops And Your Personality
While most people opt for the traditional black or gray laptop, owning a pink one makes you stand out from the crowd. And if you decide to opt for a pink laptop, then it shows a lot about who you are and what you stand for.
First, owning a pink laptop shows that you are strong, but still feminine at the same time. Accessorizing with pink shows that you are not afraid to show that you are a woman, mother, daughter and business woman all at the same time. Since the woman’s movement really took off in the 1970s, more and more women are taking advantage of their femininity and showing it off to the world.
Pink laptops also show that you are confident in the workplace. They show others that you won’t be intimidated and you are not shy about saying who you are and what you believe in. They show that you welcome any added attention that might come your way.
Owning a pink laptop also shows that you are an advocate for the fight against breast cancer. Since the 1980’s, pink has been associated with this fight as thousands of women battle this disease each and every year. If you have a daughter, mother, sister or friend fighting breast cancer why not show your support and love for them by owning a pink machine.
While the traditional laptop colors are still the most popular, it is becoming easier and easier to find pink laptop computers. You can always do a search online and find numerous laptops from which to choose. However, many brick and mortar stores also now carry computers with pink shells. That way you can actually try out the computer before you buy it and you won’t have to pay shipping charges as well. Depending on the accessories you need, you can spend a little or spend a lot, but at least you will be showing off your style and personality with your new sleek, pink computer. Why be one of the crowd when you can stand out and show off your style.