Nintendo 3DS Game Reviews Specs and Features
A lot of people have posted reactions and publishing Nintendo 3DS game reviews but only a few people have considered creating blogs or articles tackling the more technical side of this new comer in gaming. During the product launch, much of its features were the subject of the talk and most of them were really impressive. The part about ports or memory card slots were not really talked about that much but they were published in the official website. The objective was to give everyone an idea of what they will face come the product’s release in the market. Read on if you want to really know more about this upcoming game console because we are going to tackle the insides of this object.
First things first, let us list down the objects that will be included in the package. Of course there is the game system itself, the stylus, the charging cradle and the AC adapter, an SD memory card (probably 2GB), an AR card (details specified about AR games in the manual), a quick start guide, and an operations manual. You will notice that it does not anymore include chargers that would require long lines of cable. It still has some but the charging cradle makes the object a little bit easier to handle now that it actually holds the system. It also lessens the chance of the charger getting ruined easily or the plug for the game system having to be replaced because the port does not move around like the old chargers used to.
The SD memory card will hold the photos and videos that you will be able to take with the 3D camera and you can also store online bought games in this memory card. The system supports up to 16 GB sized memory cards so it would be safe to stick to the smaller sizes first until further notice. Pertaining to the battery life, players will be given 5 to 8 hours of gameplay on Nintendo DS games and 3 to 5 hours on Nintendo 3DS games.
There are more that can be talked about in this object but try to read first about its hardware and its capacities.