Memory foam vs inner spring: The single mattress guide
Industry experts have been debating the performance of both memory foam and innerspring mattresses for many years. 20 years ago there was no real argument. All you could really buy was spring coil mattresses. So this debate wasn’t even relevant but with the emergence of new types and mattress it has prompted arguments amongst professionals. So which mattress is better? Well it’s all down to individual taste and each person is different. Contrary to common belief is a bed isn’t just important for the eight hours of the day there are you spend asleep, the quality of your sleep will actually affect the moods in your waking life so it’s important to make the right decision. This article is going to tell you whether you’ll be best off with a memory foam or an innerspring single mattress.
Memory foam mattresses are the new kid on the block, they might be exciting, but they might not necessarily be for you. If you suffer from back pain for many years, this can be bought on by the way you sleep, to combat this manufacturers have released a memory foam mattress that’s fabric warps itself to the contours of your body in an attempt to provide you with adequate support. These beds can become incredibly effective at relieving back pain.
Despite the recent surge in alternatives mattresses on the market today people may be better advised to stick to see old innerspring mattresses. It’s easy to jump onto the bandwagon of any new product are, especially when salesmen are constantly relaying the huge benefits they can provide. But let’s not forget that most people are used to innerspring beds and most of us have owned one at some point in our lives, this might not seem like an important factor, but I assure you it is. It can take a very long time for someone to get used to a memory foam mattress if they haven’t used one previously this is because the material works in very different ways to innerspring beds. The added benefit of owning a bed with strings is that they last a very long time, they are rather cheap and they provide enough comfort from most people. So if you have no inherent need for memory foam mattress, I suggest you might be better advised to stick to what you know and going for a spring coil mattress.
If you’ve found this article informative and are a parent, you might want to read the authors next piece on buying a cot mattress.