Make Sure You Have Picked The Best Laptop For Your Needs
Finding the best laptop for your needs is an important thing to consider before you spend money on a laptop computer. There is a huge range out there, but not all of them cater for every need, so make sure you do the research before you spend your money.
Decide early whether you are looking at the Macintosh platform or want a PC running the Windows operating system. Whilst there is a wide variety of PCs out there, manufactured by hundreds of companies, all Macintosh computers are made by Apple, so the choice is a lot more limited.
Apple computers are on the whole slightly more expensive than PCs, but they are very good machines. They are very popular in the creative industries like in Hollywood and with Advertising agencies and graphic designers and much of the industry-standard programs run on the Macintosh system. Their top of the range portable computer, whilst pricey, is a very good computer.
Another Apple option is their revolutionary super thin laptop. This laptop is thinner than your index finger, and extremely light, yet as powerful as most desktop computers. It does however not come with standard features like a DVD drive because of its size. The other is their entry level portable notebook, not quite as powerful as the Pro series, but still capable of running hardcore software. There are different options with all 3 of these Apple computers, with models available with different RAM sizes and processing speeds.
The best advice if you are looking at the PC option is to make sure you are looking at the best laptops for the money that can do exactly what you need the computer for. Whilst for example you may be able to find one small enough to fit in your palm, many of these are really not able to run big programs and are mainly used for email, searching the net, word processing or watching a movie.
Because there are so many companies making PCs you may find a really cheap computer with very powerful specs, but make sure to think about things like warranty and repairs. Some laptops have a short lifespan, and it may be better to spend a little extra on a name you know and recognize, and where you know won’t run into any after-service problems.
Finally, look at what software comes with the laptop computer, as you may make a big saving by getting the best laptop bundle with software that you really want. If you are inevitably going to buy that package later, check the price of it new, as you may save more by spending a little more with your computer’s purchase.