Keep Your Corner Sofa Nice and Clean
A corner sofa, or any other kind of sofa, for that matter, is a big investment that should be protected accordingly. This means you should treat your furniture with care, keep it clean, and try to make sure it stays nice for as long as possible. You don’t have to avoid sitting on it just so it stays nice, but you probably should try the tips below for keeping your sofa clean.
There’s one simple thing you can do to keep your corner sofas looking new, but it’s not an easy one to enforce: don’t eat or drink on the sofa. If you have kids, they may forget the rule, and a spouse may think the rule doesn’t apply to him or her. The truth is, accidents can happen, so keeping food and drinks far away from your sofa simply makes a lot of sense.
Accidents can and do happen to everyone. They are almost impossible to avoid, at least once in a while. So the best thing to do is expect them and prepare for them. If your sofa gets a stain, the first thing you should do is blot at it with a damp cloth. You can also add a little soap to the cloth if needed. Be sure not to rub at the stain, as this can spread it instead of cleaning it. If you aren’t successful removing the stain by hand, there’s still the option of using an upholstery cleaner, which you can rent at any home and hardware store. You may be surprise at how well this works.
Most sofas last a good while, but not all of them look good during that time. Yours definitely can. With a little effort, you can ensure that your sofa looks brand new, even after years of use. And that’s worth it.