Juicing Tips to Achieve The Best Health Benefits of Juicing
The simple act of drinking freshly pressed fruit and vegetable juices several times a week, or even everyday, is one of the healthiest things that you can do for yourself. In addition to this, there are also some juicing tips that we can use when making our fresh juices to enhance their health benefits of juicing even further. So here goes…
1) Try and juice as much of the white membranes found inside the peel and at the center of citrus fruits. These white membranes are extremely concentrated in antioxidants called bio-flavanoids and vitamin C, among other nutrients, so they will greatly improve the health benefits of your citrus juicing recipes. All though, it is important to note that you should not juice the actual peel of oranges and grapefruits as they contain toxic compounds that can result in stomach cramps and diarrhea.
2) Besides oranges and grapefruits, juicing the peel of other fruits and vegetables is actually recommended for their juicing benefits. The peels are always excellent sources of antioxidants because they are the fruits protection from the oxidative damage delivered by UV sunlight rays and pollution in the air. However, if the produce you are using is not organic then it is better to actually peel them because the skins will contain many harmful pesticides that will contaminate your fresh juices.
3) It is a very good idea to drink your juices immediately after juicing them. The longer they sit around, the more nutrients that will be lost through oxidative damage of being exposed to oxygen in the air. If you do need to store your fresh juices, then an air tight container is the best choice. A nifty little tool called pump’n’seal is also handy because it can pump out the excess air in a container; this will greatly increase the shelf life of your juice.