Is ShaverGuide Just Another PR Site?

Many product review sites have become fertile ground for marketing people to plant fake reviews of the brands they are trying to push in an effort to sway the buying public to their way of thinking rather than towards a competitor’s product. It’s a minefield of information nowadays. We take a look at the electric shaver market and see what the site offers.

The first thing you notice about the site is that it includes general information and history about the electric shaver and how it entered the US market and who were the major players in developing it. I learned that the electric razor has been around since the 1930’s and was invented by Jacob Schick, a retired US Army colonel! I like to see this as it gives you some background and allows you to familiarize yourself with some of the major players. If a brand has been around for a hundred years then normally it means they have developed with the times and have a name for reliability and quality.

The next thing I looked for was multi-brand presence. Tick! The site is not pushing one particular maker over another. I saw articles and reviews on Braun, Philips, Panasonic, Remington, Epilady and Wahl all on the first page. This is important as it usually means that the reviews will be fairer and more independent, which is better for the unsuspecting reader of course.

It compiles a list of the top 10 electric shavers for men, but points out that it is very subjective, which is true. It also points out that a good list will be constantly updated; the best 10 shavers last year may not be the best 10 this year.

Overall, the site takes a very fair, rounded approach aimed towards helping the buyer rather than just blatantly trying to shift products.

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