How To Steam Vegetables In A Stainless Steel Steamer
Vegetables are one hundred percent natural, and most definitely should be part of everybody’s diet. These totally organic pieces of food from the gods are an excellent source for all the organic nutrients you need to have in your body all the time. Eating vegetables plays such an important role in the health and well-being of anyone and everyone. The reason for this is, vegetables provide all of the basic ingredients that our body’s need to function on a daily basis. You need to make sure you are getting your daily dose of vegetable nutrients in some form or another. What a better way to get this done than with all-natural vegetables.
So if you know anything about vitamins and what is required to keep your body running smooth and healthy every day, than you should know that steamed vegetables are your best source to turn to. Steaming vegetables is by-far the best way to keep all of the natural pure organic ingredients and nutrients that our body’s long for day after day. Cooking them in other ways can burn them, or otherwise degrade the nutrients, lessening the healthy effect they impose on our bodies. Now the best way to get these veggies steamed and keep all the goodies in them is to steam them with a stainless steel steamer.
These types of steamers are the most efficient and natural among all the different types of steamers on the market today. The best way to accomplish this is to get a double-pot stainless steel steamer, and pour about one, or two inches of liquid H2O into the bottom of the outside portion of the pot. Make sure you don’t ever try to steam your veggies inside of an under counter microwave. A general steel steamer is going to have what is called a double pot. This allows water in the outside pot to boil just enough to produce steam, and the inside pot has holes in the bottom of it just big enough to not let the veggies fall through but small enough so just the right amount of steam is rising so as not to burn your vegetables.
Throw in your favorite veggies and bring the water in the outside pot to a boil. Now turn down the heat to medium and put the glass containment lid onto the steamer. Now let nature take its course and check the vegetables regularly until they are at your preferred consistency. A lot of people use microwaves to try and steam their vegetables, do not do this. This is the common miss-conception people make thinking it will not harm the nutrients in the veggies, this is false, stainless steel steamers will win the race every time, slow and steady.