Finding Cheap Cars At Online Repo Auctions
It would certainly seem that the recession is not over yet. “What do you mean by that,†you ask? Indeed, how could we go against the advice of so many economic experts who have been all over the television channels for the last few months, talking about little other than the fact that the financial crisis has given way to an economic recovery that will redeem us all?
Well, the fact is that that recovery is not occurring – or at least, if it is occurring, it is not occurring at anywhere near the degree that the “experts†mentioned above seem to be indicating that it is. The fact is that jobs are being created very slowly – if not actually going down, that is – and there are still a lot of irregularities emerging regarding banks and the way that they have been documenting their processes, particularly with regard to foreclosures and ownership transfers of real estate. It is absolutely astounding that this kind of information about astonishing incompetence (on the part of the banks, of course) is still continuing to come out in late 2010, but there you have it.
As usual, of course, you’re wondering what this means to you, and how it affects your immediate future and short term spending plans. Well, this is where the good news comes in – as long as you are at least reasonably liquid and have not fallen victim to the worst part of the recession, you are now living in a buyer’s market. What does this mean? Well, it means that if you have access to either cash or to credit, there are a lot of consumer durables on the market that are severely undervalued – mainly because not many people can afford to buy them. Looking for cheap cars or boats? Check out online repo auctions. We guarantee that you will find deals that are even better than the ones that were floating around in late 2007 and early 2008, when all this first began.