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EA Sports Active 2 for Kinect

The XBox Kinect game system has many games that will be ready when the console add-on ships, but probably the best ones for it are the fitness games. XBox Kinect is a 3D device that picks up motion and translates body movements into the game play. EA Sports Active 2 is one of the new fitness games aimed at providing you with a great workout, letting you keep up with your progress, put what you do in the way of activities in your own log, and then also do a variety of fitness activities.

Using Sports Active for Kinect is an easy way for even someone who does not exercise a lot to get excited about working out. There is a stretch band and a monitor that keeps up with your heart rate along with the game itself.  All of the information gets put on the machine and is available online where you can take a look at it and show your friends or your family how well you are doing and see how they did also.  You can sync up on an iPhone game so that you really can work out anytime even when you are busy.

There are lot of different routines you can use with the game. You can start out by doing push-ups, do some easy boxing, or even ride a bike. The system keeps up with what you are doing and you have your own little person, or avatar, moving right there along with you on the screen. The software itself is very accurate and so you really cannot cheat. When you work through all the ones you have, you can buy new routines through Xbox Live.

One of the great things about this game is that you do not even have to use a controller at all if you do not want to. You can use software that recognizes your voice and give it commands or motions to follow. You do not have to have a keyboard either. This program gives you the best program for getting all the whole family energized to be fit. You can explore more about this and other Kinect fitness games at .

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