Drive The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us by Daniel H. Pink
Once again, it is all about the books that can change your life, or at least make you want to change your life. It is also about the books that can give you insights into different aspects of everyday life, from schools to work place. Drive: The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us by Daniel H. Pink, is one those books that can accomplish both of the above mentioned tasks. It does give insight into the motivation factor that affects everyday life, be it at home, in school or at work. Similarly, by learning about the true motivation factors, you can change the way you think about work or any activity that you undertake. In this book, Pink tries to undermine the traditional idea that external factors are more influencing in our work and work output.
The number one point that this book, or the author makes is that it is the internal force that motivates the people. Though, it may be true that giving rewards, especially financial rewards may increase the work input and allow quicker output, they are not effective in the long term. After all, there is a limit to how much one can pay an employee, or pay a child to do the housework. The author notes that people are motivated internally, and that is what keeps them going. For an instance, people like to do good things and they want appreciation. At the same time, if they can, they also want to make a difference in the world. In this book, Pink mentions two types of behavior that motivates people, one that is extrinsic and the other that is intrinsic. The intrinsic may be frustrating to achieve, but it is the ultimate motivation. This is the surprising truth because for years it was thought that external forces primarily affect performances.
Drive: The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us by Daniel H. Pink is a great book for students of management and organizational behavior. This book challenges the old notion of motivation, as well as offers a solid new model that defines motivation as intrinsic. This is also a great book for those people, who are at the management level. They need to understand new ways of motivating, or fuelling the motivation of people at work. In no time, they will understand that there are no radical means to motivate people, but fuel what is innate.
Finally, this book is for all to take in and understand; even parents may be motivated by this book. They may figure out that they do not bribe their children to finish the housework. Drive: The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us is a revolutionary book for the meantime, but soon it may seem like common sense to many people.