Do you want to be successful or happy?
Success and Happiness
Is there a formula of being successful? is there a buying guide that suggests the best tool to being the most successful? This is a question that is common to many people who wonder what and how one needs to do things to become well known. Am I the one to answer these questions? Definitely not! But have I learnt something that may be interesting and useful to keep in mind. It is not as important to be successful as it is to be happy in life. This is a simple sentence not much to it if you look at it on the surface.
However what I have understood in these many years of my life is that one can be successful more easily than one can be happy. You need to work hard towards your goal; you need to have a strict schedule which means that you should not waste your time. You should be precise in what you do you should be willing to take risks and you should also have a little bit of luck at your side. These are a few important ways that you can be successful. This is what I have heard and read from people when asked the key to success or how they have become so successful.
The key to happiness is more of a difficult question to be answered, very few people have ever attempted the question successfully which is to say a few people have come up with an answer. Why is it hard to answer a question that many people seek answer to, even more than the question about the key to success? If I am not mistaken it may be because success can be measured for the most part. One can count the money, the property, the number of friends one has and define success accordingly. One cannot count happiness; it cannot be measured. There is no tangible evidence of a person’s happiness, it is an emotion, it is a human feeling. Scientists have long wondered and are still looking for ways to quantify emotions. If they are ever able to do so then they will have made the biggest discovery of all. However people will still be asking questions regarding happiness. Is it earning of success that makes one happy, or is it renouncing success that makes one happy? I said that it is more important to be happy than successful, for the same reason that the answer to the key to happiness is more difficult than to being successful. It therefore, is also more fulfilling than achieving great success.