Center Your Marketing Around A Plastic Door Hanger

There are many different ways in which the name and services of the company may be advertised to the public. A lot of new and unusual methods have been tried over the years with varying degrees of success. One of the methods that may not be considered mainstream but shows signs of proving worthwhile is the use of a printed plastic door hanger that is placed on the front doors of targeted homes.

A plastic door hanger can be used in much the same way in which they have been used in hotels across the country for years. the company’s vital details can be printed on one side of the hanger and then they can be distributed by people going door to door, placing them over front door knobs.

By placing a plastic hanger with your company’s details on the front door there is going to be a good chance that it will be carried inside the house when the homeowner comes home. Public awareness is key and even if the hanger gets thrown out soon after the homeowner removes it from the door, it will have been sitting there all day with the logo visible to anyone who walks by. This in itself can be very valuable “air time”.

Just like with a marketing campaign focused around dropping brochures or flyers into letterboxes in the local area, the creation and distributing of plastic door hangers requires the same basic tasks. This means the expense of running the campaign is comparable to a more traditional campaign. The difference lies in the visibility of the company name as well as the rate of success that comes with this system.

As a way of getting your business started at a reasonable cost, centering it around the use of plastic door hangers is as good as any.

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