Buy New Kindle

Ever since there has been the invention of the e-book reader, the world have gone gaga over it. But the attention is nothing but only obvious. But again there are so many brands that have been popping up their designs of e-reader. There has been a war in the market among the different brands and many have tried to win the battle but the star remains the Kindles. It is the e-book reader introduced by Amazon. There have been different series of Kindles with upgraded features everytime one of them is out in the market. It seems that the features never seem to end.

There are four main versions of the Amazon series that are available in the market. They are: original version, Kindle 2, Kindle DX and the Kindle 3. The latest and most probably the best of them all is the latest model, i.e. the new Kindle 3. Although all of these models are loaded with features, the best and most of them are embedded in the latest e-reader.

The new e-reader by Amazon is the slimmest and the lightest of them all. It is 0.5 inches shorter and narrower than the second gen Kindle. The third gen Amazon e-reader has provided the customers with more options too. There are actually two to choose from which is fun. First there is the Kindle WiFi, which connects to the internet using the public or private WiFi networks. It comes for a very reasonable price of $139.

Then there is the other model, which is one step better because it has got WiFi as well as 3G. The built-in free 3G connectivity uses the same wireless signals that the cell phones use, allowing downloading and purchase availability from any location with cell services. This is also available in an affordable price of $189. However, both of these models have the 6 inch E Ink screen with Pearl technology which gives 50% better contrast, resulting in the clearest text and sharpest image.

It has 4GB internal memory, with approximately 3GB for users content. It also has a long battery life. As advertised the battery can last up to one month in a single charge with the wireless turned off. But the best of the best is still to come. The text-to-speech feature available in the new Kindle will blow your mind away. It enables the device to read the text, books, blogs, magazines etc out loud to the users. This is an amazing feature to have which will come handy when you have to learn important documents for a meeting or seminar and don’t have time to read. It can be a life savior.

The new kindle also has a rubberized back as a new addition to the device. The new back and the downsizing have made it easier for the users to handle it. There have also been a few changes in the position of the key in the keypad. Although they don’t make much of a difference but it surely shows some efforts that has been made to the new e-reader. The new Kindle is a must to have for those who love to read and is quite an impression just to hold on to. With the really affordable price that it is available in, it is a wonder why anyone would be hesitant to get it. They are available in any of the e-book stores in the market and they can even be ordered online through Amazon.

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