Best Toddler Musical Toys My Pal Violet
If you are scouting round for the best toddler musical toys to keep them entertained then you should take a look at a cute toy called My Pal Violet. This cute toy is designed for ages 6 months up to 3 years and is one of the best baby musical toys you could ever buy. She is a fun and interactive cuddly toy that has a whole host of features from pre-loaded lullaby tunes and learning songs.
My Pal Violet is a cuddly cute toy who is very much a techno geek. She can be connected to the internet with the provided USB cable and you can pick from any of the 30 songs online which you can download to make her even more fun. There is a easy to use guide book included.
When you are looking for musical toys for babies, My Pal Violet will really stand out from the rest. She will happily run through different activities with a child that include numbers, animals, food and more. She has a cute ring around her right eye and a wonderfully fresh smile, cheekily sticking her tongue out.
She is rugged and can take all the abuse a child will throw at her. She can be personalized and really does make for a great toy for kids to have as their first ever cute companion. Young infants can enjoy the melodies while older kids can sing along if they wish.
If you are looking for a fun and cute companion a child can use, enjoy and throw around the room then My Pal Violet is the one for you. Connect her to the internet and download your child’s name from a database so that you can personalize her to make her unique and fun. My Pal Violet will bring months and months of amazement and fun for your child each day.