Basic Camping Checklist: Don’t leave anything out
It is common knowledge that a successful camping trip needs careful planning in advance, especially if you are going camping outside of a traditional camp ground so being prepared can be the key to a great camping experience. Checklists always help you be organized and stay on top of everything. This is why we are going to present you with a few examples of camping checklist you can follow so that you will have everything you need for your next trip into the wild:
Camping Checklist – Shelter
Big enough tent
Ground cloths
Extra tent stakes
Mallet / hammer
Dust pan and brush for tent clean up
Camping heater? (with the right fuel)
Camping Checklist – Bedding
Sleeping bags, pillows, maybe extra sheets and blankets
Air mattress? (+ air mattress repair kit)
Camping Checklist – Cooking
Coolers and or ice
Camping stove+ fuel source+ matches, firelighters etc
Pots and pans (as needed)
Plastic bowls, plates, cups and silverware
Trash bags
Cooking utensils (as needed)
Can opener
Bottle Opener
Camping Checklist – Personal and Misc
Camping lantern and torches
First aid kit
Bug repellent
Clean water supply/ water filters
Kettle/ coffee maker for hot drinks
Cell phone
Fire extinguisher
Books and magazines
Even with your cell phone at hand, someone has to know the place and duration of your camping trip, especially if you aren’t going to a designated area. Also, the first aid kit you take along must be a well stocked one and make sure you keep it in a waterproof container. A small amount of cash at hand may prove very useful as not all the stores you encounter on a trip take debit cards and there are no ATMs in the forest! Your vehicle should also be verified and improved if you want to lessen the risk of ending up stuck in the middle of nowhere and you could also enroll in the AAA organization just in case!