A Guide to Curtain Rods
Once all your windows are ready and you have set up the wall paper, the next thing you need to consider are the curtains. You need to know whether you would need permanent fixtures to hold your curtains in place. However, doing these seems too permanent. What if you have a change of theme or decoration? It may seem hard to imagine now because after all the decorating you have been doing, you probably would not change decoration for years. But there will come a time when you want to switch and wooden furniture and metal curtain rods just would not match. To solve this problem, all you have to do is buy curtain poles.
They are meant to be installed without any drills, as they are kept in place by pushing the ends at the wall. However, for longer curtain rods you might need support hooks to keep them in place. When you buy them, see if you can test them first in the store. Make sure they are not weak and flimsy by itself because later when the weight of the curtain sets in, it can easily fall down.
Although there are adjustable wooden curtain rods, that could go from 50″ to 90″, they are not as sturdy as regular ones, because inside the rods are hollow. For your winter curtain which may even have some thermal backing, you can use a thicker non adjustable to make sure it can take in the weight of two materials.
When buying curtain rods choose the material that would match the look of the room. Some can match wooden curtain rods with vintage or retro designs while some use metal curtain rods for a modern finish. It is best to just select rods with a smooth finish so that your curtain would not get caught up in the grid. The ends of the rod is what matters the most because it would be the one exposed. You can choose different designs to match your room or decor.